Free Bone Density Clinic Held in Fairbanks in October

Free Bone Density Clinic Held in Fairbanks in October

Alaska Health Fair Fairbanks Office held a few special health screening days during October.  Though these dates weren’t open to the public, we invited a few groups to receive FREE Bone Density Screenings; which included Fairbanks North Star Borough, United Way of the...
Blood Draws Resume in August – New Schedule

Blood Draws Resume in August – New Schedule

Dear Clients, Volunteers, & Health Educators! Alaska Health Fair is a nonprofit delivering health education and affordable blood tests statewide since 1980. AHF is recognized as an Essential Service by the State of Alaska, with an approved COVID-19 Mitigation Plan...
Alaska Health Fair is taking a summer break!

Alaska Health Fair is taking a summer break!

Our agency takes an extended break twice a year – after each active and heavy-duty health fair season. We do this to provide our few paid staff, plus our dedicated and cherished volunteers, a longer period to take their own vacations. These breaks have become even...
Alaska Health Fair is turning forty one!

Alaska Health Fair is turning forty one!

Dear Friends! Alaska Health Fair was founded in 1980 on the dream of a physician who believed that the road to longevity rests in healthy lifestyles, which develop, in part, through education and screenings. Almost every state had a health fair organization of their...