Latest News
End of Tax Year
The year is almost gone, A perfect time to give. Support a worthy cause, Make your donation live! We ask that you donate To Alaska Health Fair We offer blood tests, education, And basic screenings there. We are forty three years strong Thanks to our work and yours...
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays!
Dear Clients, Volunteers, and Partners! Fall 2022 season is over, and health fairs will resume in January. Please subscribe to our newsletter to be notified when the new schedule is published. On this Thanksgiving, we would like to thank you for your continued...
AHF Health Fairs Spotlighted by The Northern Light – Thank You!
We would like to thank our friends at The Northern Light for featuring an article about our health fairs. Thank you for helping Alaskans learn about our events and gain access to affordable preventative screenings! Link to The Northern Light -...
It’s Time to Get Ready – Alaska Senior Games are Just Around the Corner – Early Bird Registration is July 15th
Alaska Health Fair, Inc. is proud to become a Bronze Medal Sponsor of the 2022 Alaska International Senior Games. The games are a perfect fit between our non-profit agencies. Alaska Health Fair's Mission is "to promote statewide health education and preventative...
FREE Training Opportunity – Conversations about COVID-19 with AHF Partners from the University of Alaska Anchorage & Yale School of Public Health
Dear Volunteers and Prospective Volunteers, Alaska Health Fair, Inc. is pleased to invite you to a 90-minute interactive session covering COVID-19 facts, prevention and treatment measures, and identifying and responding to misinformation related to...
Don’t jolt your fun outdoors: Wear a helmet when riding an ATV
Riding all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) helps many families make the most of Alaska — adventuring outdoors, staying active, even getting place to place. Families in Alaska use ATVs regularly and many depend on them to get around their communities. One of the best ways to...
Small Lifestyle Changes That Make a Big Difference
Whether the aim is to lower blood pressure, lose weight or live longer, big goals feel like they require big change. In a moment of inspiration, you might even sign up for a 12-week yoga boot camp or declare yourself a new vegetarian. But following through on...
For National Kidney Month, Take Five for your Kidneys
March is National Kidney Month and the National Kidney Foundation is calling on all Americans to take five healthy steps for their kidneys. The kidneys are the body’s chemical factories, filtering waste and performing vital functions that control things like red blood...
Alaska Health Fair and State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services are Teaming up for Your Health!
Free Hemoglobin A1C, Estimated Average Glucose Alaska Health Fair is proud to work with State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (SOA DHSS) to offer free A1C screenings and resources to those at risk of diabetes and prediabetes. Are you at risk? Please...
Blood pressure and COVID-19
According to the American Heart Association, blood pressure in adults has increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects almost half of US adults and blood pressure control is a national public health priority. The coronavirus...