Heart health is our goal each day,
To keep it strong in every way.
Know your risks and make a plan,
So you can lower them as much as you can.
Blood pressure is the force of the heart,
Make sure it’s checked for a new start.
Foods for the heart should be chosen with care,
Fruits and vegetables, whole grains to share.
Salt and saturated fat, we must keep in check,
And exercise to help us stay fit and in spec.
Stress and smoking, these can take their toll,
But we can manage them and keep our heart whole.
Regular screenings are key to a healthy heart,
So we can catch any problem from the start.
Protect your heart and be aware,
And you’ll have a heart that’s strong and fair.
Alaska Health Fair, Inc. is a nonprofit organization, delivering affordable blood screenings and health education statewide since 1980. Please visit our website for more information – www.alaskahealthfair.org.