Alaska Health Fair is proud to announce our first participation in and support for the Fairbanks Veterans Stand Down. This event is held on an annual basis (each August) and aimed at veterans (those no longer on active duty). The August 12th & 13th event happened to be the 18th Annual Stand Down; with similar events happening all over the country, in every state. The major focus is providing equipment, clothing and medical services to homeless or near homeless veterans. Medical services, health and safety exhibitor education and connecting with veteran related service agencies, are open to any and all veterans holding a VA ID card or DD214 (homeless or not).
Alaska Health Fair provided our portable dental chairs and podiatry information for health screenings; plus our standard health stations, including the affordable blood tests and sponsored (free) blood tests. This year’s event had 510 veterans in attendance with Alaska Health Fair providing 51 veterans a free blood test of their choice. These free tests were sponsored by individuals like you, Papa John’s Pizza and the Golden Valley Good Cents Program. We thank all those who contributed to help this year’s Stand Down provide a wider variety of services (to include our volunteers who came out during their summer break) – BIG THANK YOU! We look forward to serving even more veterans at next year’s August 11th & 12th Stand Down event!