Our recent online survey of customers received responses from all corners of our great state; from Juneau to Bethel, Anchorage to Fairbanks, Wasilla to Nome and many more places. Thank you to all who responded. Survey results are as follows.
- You overwhelmingly responded that you would highly recommend AHF Health Fairs to your friends and colleagues. We asked you, on a scale of 0 to 10, how likely it was that you would recommend AHF Health Fairs to your friends. Over 80% of you gave us the highest mark possible — 10 out of 10. We are humbled and honored. It’s good to hear that our volunteers, health educators, and staff are doing such an awesome job providing Health Fairs, and that we have your trust.

- In response to the question about your least favorite aspect of AHF Health Fairs, some of you responded “none” and said that you like everything about our events. Others said your weren’t particularly fond of the waiting lines that sometimes occur; fasting for blood draws, which is not always easy; and that we don’t hold Health Fairs often enough in your area or community. We appreciate your feedback and care about your experience deeply. We are taking steps to take your Health Fair experience to the new level.
- In response to the final question of our survey, where we asked you about your most favorite aspect of AHF Health Fairs, you said that most of all, you value fast, inexpensive, and private blood tests; courteous volunteers and exhibitors; the variety of health education topics that we cover; free screenings; and friendly people. Many of you said you love “everything” we do. Again, we are humbled by your responses. AHF volunteers and staff love doing Health Fairs. Health Fairs are our life, and we will continue focusing on providing you with an unmatched Health Fair experience and listening to your feedback.
Thank you!
Andrei Chakine, Executive Director