For Employers
What is Wellness?
Wellness is the art and science of getting people to practice healthy habits [regardless of their health status].
Cara Fox Fairbanks, WhiteWaterWellness
Five Elements of Wellness:
- Career well-being
- Social well-being
- Financial well-being
- Physical well-being
- Community well-being
“Well-being is about the combination of our love for what we do each day, the quality of our relationships, the security of our finances, the vibrancy of our physical health, and the pride we take in what we have contributed to our communities. It’s about how these five elements interact.”
– Well Being by Tom Rath, Jim Harter
Host a Health Fair Info Request Form
Alaska Health Fair is a nonprofit that has been serving Alaskans since 1980. We have a long history of delivering successful worksite health fairs for large and small companies in Alaska. Our clients work in the oil industry, utilities, financial sector, nonprofit sector, transportation, and many other industries. Alaska Health Fair delivers 20 to 25 worksite events annually statewide in addition to our community health fairs.
Worksite Fairs offer free health screenings, health education, and the most affordable comprehensive blood tests available in Alaska (including the Vitamin D screening, which is usually not covered/offered by health insurance). Implementing wellness programs at work has many benefits:
- Attracting talented workers
- Reducing absenteeism
- Improving employee morale
- Reducing turnover
- Improved disease management
We tailor Health Fairs to help meet your organization’s wellness goals. In partnership with many other leading agencies, we are able to offer affordable (at-cost) in-depth training for your staff and management on a variety of worksite wellness topics.
Interested? The first step is to give us a call – Anchorage and South-central (907) 278-0234, Fairbanks and Tanana Valley (907) 374-6853, or Juneau and Southeast (907) 723-5100.
The following are materials from a recent workshop, an excellent overview of worksite wellness.
Sample Workshop: “Starting an Effective Worksite Wellness Program”
One-day Free Workshop – a joint project of Alaska Health Fair, Inc., State of Alaska, WhiteWaterWellness, and many Local Experts

Cara Fox with WhiteWaterWellness gives an overview of worksite wellness.
Overview of Wellbeing at Work Presentation
Top 10 Trends in Worksite Wellness Presentation
Worksite Wellness Action Plan Template
Tobacco Prevention and Control Presentation
CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard & Manual
Physical Activity Promotion Presentation
Resources for Physical Activity Promotion
American Cancer Society Workplace Solutions
Interested in hosting similar workshops at your organization? Please email requests to
Test results mailed directly to employees.
Affordable Blood Tests for You and Your Team
Available at all Worksite events. An easy way to stay on top of your health.
Most employers elect to sponsor some or all blood tests. We work with PAML, one of the top ranking laboratories in the nation, to bring you the most affordable, high-quality blood tests in Alaska! Our prices are as follows:
- Blood Chemistry Screen – 27 panels! – covers infection, anemia, liver disease, clotting ability, kidney and adrenal function, liver function, bone disease, tissue disease and damage, heart function, liver function, muscle function, and coronary heart disease – 45
- Thyroid Screen – 40
- Prostate Disease Screen – 25
- Vitamin D Screen (D2, D3) – 55
- A1C Diabetes – 25
- Blood Typing – 25
- Vitamin B12 – 40
- Ferritin – 40
- Testosterone, Total (adult male) – 55
Employees can order tests individually, or “get the complete picture” with one of our wellness packages:
Complete Women’s Wellness Package
Includes: Chemistry/Hematology Profile (Infection, Anemia, Liver Disease, Clotting ability, Kidney and adrenal function, Liver function, Bone disease, Tissue disease or damage, Heart function, Liver function, Muscle function, Coronary heart disease), Thyroid Screen (Thyroid function), Vitamin D Screen (Bone metabolism, Parathyroid function), and A1C Screen (Diabetes, Glucose) – 165.
Complete Men’s Wellness Package
Includes: Chemistry/Hematology Profile (Infection, Anemia, Liver Disease, Clotting ability, Kidney and adrenal function, Liver function, Bone disease, Tissue disease or damage, Heart function, Liver function, Muscle function, Coronary heart disease), Thyroid Screen (Thyroid function), Vitamin D Screen (Bone metabolism, Parathyroid function), A1C Screen (Diabetes, Glucose), and Prostate Disease Screen – 190.