Health Fairs & Affordable Blood Tests
Serving Alaskans since 1980New to Health Fairs?
Please review this one-pager to learn what to expect at a health fair.
We Make It Easy to Stay on Top of Your Numbers
Alaska Health Fair, Inc., a nonprofit, has been providing health education and affordable blood screenings since 1980. Each year, thousands of Alaskans take advantage of the affordable blood tests offered at health fairs. We collaborate with the largest clinical laboratory in the nation to ensure the availability of high-quality blood screenings to all Alaskans at a nonprofit price.
Wellness the Alaskan Way
From the North Slope to Southeast, health fairs bring neighbors together to help neighbors take charge of their health through volunteering, education and preventative screenings. Our fairs unite hundreds of local medical and non-medical volunteers with health-focused organizations who share their expertise at no cost. Exhibitor space is always free at AHF events! This grassroots model of Alaskans supporting Alaskans has been building a stronger, healthier state.
Would You Like to Host a Health Fair?
Our incredible team makes hosting a health fair a breeze! We’ll provide comprehensive assistance at every stage to ensure your event’s success. Fill out this quick form, and we’ll contact you with the details.
Blood Tests
Get the complete picture with one of our “Wellness Packages” or order tests individually. Blood tests available at all events.
- Blood chemistry screen – (27 panels) – covers infection, anemia, liver disease, clotting ability, kidney and adrenal function, liver function, bone disease, tissue disease and damage, heart function, liver function, muscle function, and lipids (coronary heart disease) (fasting 10 hrs.) – 45
- Thyroid screen – 40
- Prostate disease screen – 25
- Vitamin D screen (D2, D3) – 55
- A1C diabetes – 25
- Blood typing – 25
- Vitamin B12 – 40
- Ferritin – 40
- Testosterone (men) – 55
Men’s Wellness Package
Includes: Chemistry/Hematology Profile (Infection, Anemia, Liver Disease, Clotting ability, Kidney and adrenal function, Liver function, Bone disease, Tissue disease or damage, Heart function, Liver function, Muscle function, Coronary heart disease (lipids)), Thyroid Screen (Thyroid function), Vitamin D Screen (Bone metabolism, Parathyroid function), A1C Screen (Diabetes, Glucose), and Prostate Disease Screen (fasting 10 hrs.).
Women’s Wellness Package
Includes: Chemistry/Hematology Profile (Infection, Anemia, Liver Disease, Clotting ability, Kidney and adrenal function, Liver function, Bone disease, Tissue disease or damage, Heart function, Liver function, Muscle function, Coronary heart disease (lipids)), Thyroid Screen (Thyroid function), Vitamin D Screen (Bone metabolism, Parathyroid function), and A1C Screen (Diabetes, Glucose) (fasting 10 hrs.)
Click here for detailed descriptions of tests. Results mailed directly to you within 2-3 weeks. Credit cards, cash, and check accepted. Testing available for persons 18 years of age and older.
Health Fairs & Affordable Blood Tests
Best viewed in landscape mode
Please check back regularly as we’ll be adding new events.
Walk-ins are welcome at all health fairs. We recommend scheduling an appointment for quicker service.
With questions please call (907) 278-0234 Anchorage/Statewide, (907) 374-6853 in Fairbanks and Tanana Valley, (907) 723-5100 in Southeast.
Join AHF newsletter for important announcements and updates.
💡Need assistance understanding your blood test results?
Please call our toll-free voicemail box at 1-833-800-1292. An AHF Health Educator & RN will return your call and address your questions. Remember, blood testing is an invaluable tool, but only your healthcare provider can provide a comprehensive assessment of your health.
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