Screenings & Affordable Blood Tests
Blood Tests – Results Directly to You
Alaska Health Fair works with top ranking laboratories to bring you the most affordable comprehensive blood tests in Alaska!
Definitions – to help you understand your blood test results
Comprehensive Chemistry/Hematology Profile (27 panels in 1 test) - $45
- White Blood Cell Count Infection, Some Malignancies
- Red Blood Cell Count, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit Anemia
- Indicies (MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW) Anemia, Liver Disease
- Platelets Clotting Ability
- Sodium, Potassium Chloride, CO2, and Anion Gap Kidney and Adrenal Function
- Glucose Diabetes
- Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin and A/G Ration Kidney, Liver, Infection, Nutrition
- Calcium Parathyroid, Bone Disease
- Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine Kidney Function
- Bilirubin, Total Liver Function
- Alkaline Phosphatase Bone, Liver Disease
- SGOT (AST), SGPT (ALT) Tissue Disease or Damage
- LD Heart, Liver, Muscle Function
- Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL, LDL Coronary Heart Disease
Thyroid Screen - $40
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Thyroid Function
Prostate Disease Screen - $25
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen), Men Only Prostate Disease
Vitamin D Screen - $55
Vit D (VITAMIN D2 D3, 25-HYDROXY) Bone Metabolism Parathyroid Function
A1C Screen - $25
A1C (Hemoglobin A1C, Estimated Average Glucose) Diabetes, Glucose
ABO/RH (Blood Typing) - $25
ABO/RH Blood Typing
B 12 Assay (Vitamin B12) - $40
Vitamin B 12 Normal Red Blood Formation, Tissue and Cellular Repair
Ferritin - $40
Ferritin Iron-Containing Protein
Testosterone, Total (Adult Male) - $55
Testosterone - Men Only Testosterone Level
Get the Complete Picture
Complete Women’s Wellness Package
Includes: Chemistry/Hematology Profile (Infection, Anemia, Liver Disease, Clotting ability, Kidney and adrenal function, Liver function, Bone disease, Tissue disease or damage, Heart function, Liver function, Muscle function, Coronary heart disease), Thyroid Screen (Thyroid function), Vitamin D Screen (Bone metabolism, Parathyroid function), and A1C Screen (Diabetes, Glucose) – 165.
Complete Men’s Wellness Package
Includes: Chemistry/Hematology Profile (Infection, Anemia, Liver Disease, Clotting ability, Kidney and adrenal function, Liver function, Bone disease, Tissue disease or damage, Heart function, Liver function, Muscle function, Coronary heart disease), Thyroid Screen (Thyroid function), Vitamin D Screen (Bone metabolism, Parathyroid function), A1C Screen (Diabetes, Glucose), and Prostate Disease Screen – 190.
Blood test results are mailed directly to the participant within three weeks from the date of the fair. We accept credit cards, check and cash.
Fasting is not required for blood screenings, but for optimal glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride testing results we recommend fasting for 10–12 hours. People with diabetes should not fast. Check with your medical provider for specific recommendations. You are encouraged to drink plenty of water and continue to take prescription medications.
Your privacy is very important to us. AHF does not share your information with anyone. AHF is not a member of any medical information sharing network. Your blood test results are mailed directly and only to you. Read AHF privacy policy here.
Schedule of Health Fairs
Blood tests available at all health fairs.
Click on the link above for dates and times.
Discover the Benefits of Worksite Health Fairs
Worksite health education has many proven benefits, including reduced absenteeism, improved morale, and increased productivity. AHF worksite events feature the same variety of essential blood screenings offered at community health fairs. Schedule a worksite event today - call (907) 278-0234 Anchorage/Statewide, (907) 374-6853 Fairbanks, or (907) 723-5100 Juneau.

Additional Screenings
Health Fairs are community-driven events; each community decides what screenings to offer, what kind of educators to invite. The following screenings may or may not be available at any given Fair. With only a few exceptions where marked, the screenings are free. We usually provide event highlights on our Facebook page a week before a Health Fair, and information about available screenings is sometimes included.
Colon Cancer Screening Kit ($5 – available from Alaska Health Fair) – an easy, mess-free take-home screening kit that can save your life.
Blood Pressure Screening– blood pressure is the force in the arteries when the heart beats and at rest. Blood pressure can fluctuate with exercise, injury, illness, and emotional reactions. Normal blood pressure can be around 119/79. Pulse screening is primarily measured on the participant’s wrist. The pulse corresponds to each beat of the heart. The normal number of pulse beats per minute in the average adult varies from 60 to 80, with fluctuations occurring with exercise, injury, illness and emotional reactions.
Height/Weight/Body Mass (BMI) Screening – this screening provides you with the Body Mass Index (BMI), using your height, weight, and waist measurement to identify your risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. BMI is considered reliable for assessing obesity. It does not take into account a person’s fat-to-muscle ratio.
Ask a Pharmacist – discuss over-the-counter and/or prescribed medications, medication, and/or vitamin interactions, vaccinations, osteoporosis and heart problems, medication safety, pharmacy services, smoking cessation, and more with a pharmacist.
Ask a Medical Question – speak one-on-one with a health professional and ask questions about any health issue concerning you or your family. The health professional may review your overall health fair results, make recommendations for further evaluation, set goals, and provide referral and resources for more information and/or education.
Body Fat Skinfold Screening – this screening identifies body fat levels by having your skin, muscles, and fat thickness measured. Maintaining healthy body fat and muscle levels increases overall strength, metabolism, and reduces risk of injury.
Body in Balance Screening– this screening checks body position and posture, flexibility, strength, and balance to help prevent injuries to neck, back, knee, ankle, foot, and other areas.
Breast Self-Exam Education– volunteers provide instructions and information on proper technique to perform a systematic self-examination of the breast, chest, and armpit to identify changes in shape or size of the breast or the presence of skin dimpling.
Men’s Health – prostate and testicular health education materials are provided by friendly staff and exhibitors.
Diabetes Risk Assessment Education – volunteers provide information and education on risk factors for Type 2 Diabetes and answer any questions from participants.
Foot Care/Screening – this screening identifies foot problems such as corns, calluses, bunions, blisters, skin conditions, plantar warts, and nerve and vascular issues. People with diabetes are vulnerable to nerve and vascular damage that can result in poor circulation and poor healing of foot sores and ulcers.
Hand Screening – this screening assesses hands for tenderness, limited range of motion, bumps, structural abnormalities, skin, fingernails, sensation, muscle weakness, and circulation (coming soon).
Hearing Screening – this screening consists of visual examination of your ears and measures your ability to hear high, medium, and low range sounds. If you are using a hearing aid, you may not qualify for this screening.
Health Topic Presentations – an opportunity for community experts and businesses to speak and answer questions about a wide variety of diseases and other health-related topics. Generally these educational sessions last for approximately 30 minutes with an additional 15 to 20 minutes for questions from the fair attendees. If you are a local healthcare provider, a nonprofit, or a business specializing in wellness products and would like to give an educational presentation on a topic that you believe will bring value to health fair attendees, please contact our staff.
Cardiac Risk Assessment – staff provides educational information and resources about the risks factors contributing to heart attack and stroke. Health fair attendees learn about the importance of lifestyle choices such as nutrition and exercise, and their impact on risk factors of heart disease.
Adult Immunization Provided by Partners – a variety of immunizations and vaccines (such as flu, Tetanus, TDaP, pneumonia, shingles, etc.) can be provided by AHF partners depending on availability and season.
Lung Function Screening – this screening determines if you have breathing issues such as asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and pulmonary fibrosis. The goal is to measure the amount (volume) and/or speed (flow) of air that can be inhaled and exhaled.
Memory Screening – this screening tests short-term memory related to Alzheimer’s Disease using a number of tools and games. We also provide education about dementia.
Nutrition Education – this screening provides an opportunity to speak with a dietitian and receive valuable information about resources on how to make healthy lifestyle changes. Poor nutrition or an unhealthy diet may lead to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, or other nutrition-related diseases.
Oral Health Screening – this screening identifies tooth and gum disease and oral cancer by examining the inside of the mouth for sores and lesions. Education regarding the importance of periodic oral exams and risk factors for oral diseases is provided.
Skin Cancer Screening – this screening provides a check for skin cancer and other skin problems.
Sleep Apnea Education – this screening consists of a series of questions that will help you determine if you need further evaluation for sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a very serious health issue that affects one out of five people and is defined as a condition that causes an individual to experience pauses in breathing for 10 seconds or more while sleeping. Recent studies have identified sleep apnea as a risk factor for high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.
Spinal Screening – this screening identifies any problems with your spinal alignment and educate you about the importance of proper spinal alignment for a healthy body.
Stress Management Education – this screening evaluates your mental wellness by asking you questions about how you cope with life’s stressors. Mental health professionals could be available to answer any questions from attendees.
Vision and Eye Health Screening – this screening checks how well you see at near and far distances by reading letters on basic eye charts. If you already wear glasses or contacts, you should wear them during this screening. A prescription of eyeglasses and/or contacts is not included. A review of an eye health history and consulting with an eye health professional may be included depending on availability of volunteers in your area.
Hepatitis C Education – the Hepatitis C virus attacks the liver, causing inflammation. Inflammation could lead to the formation of scar tissue, which slowly progresses to liver disease. Over 3 million Americans are chronically infected with Hepatitis C virus and close to half of them are not aware that they are infected. Volunteers will provide educational materials and information about Hepatitis C and answer any questions.
Kidney Health Education and Dialysis – your kidneys maybe small, but they perform many vital functions that help maintain your overall health, including filtering waste and excess fluids from your blood. One in three American adults is at risk for kidney disease. In the United States, the leading causes of kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure. Educational information is provided by volunteers and the National Kidney Foundation.